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Welcome to the Change – Artificial Intelligence

La inteligencia artificial en la publicidad

Opinion Column by Tata Varela, CEO of Humo Rojo, on How AI is Transforming the Ideas Industry in Dossiernet.

There are a thousand notes, concepts, and opinions discussing the blend: Artificial Intelligence + Creativity. From Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, to a junior copywriter at an advertising agency.

We deny it, we condition it, we want to regulate it, we believe that human talent will always lead… This is a way of predicting something that will inevitably happen. What we don’t know is how it will happen. But more or less convinced: IT WILL HAPPEN.

The first thing Artificial Intelligence produces in the many tools we use daily is: SURPRISE. Entering MidJourney with a well-written prompt is a WOW Effect. Seeing how CodePilot, Gemini, and others guide you is impressive. With some errors, but WOW, when you adjust the prompt…

We all see how Suno, Runway work, and we eagerly await Sora, something that will undoubtedly revolutionize the audiovisual industry. And if you haven’t tried ChatGPT 4.0 yet… chills down your spine…

We could keep listing platforms, but the first effect, that jaw-dropping moment, is the same.

I don’t want to talk about human versus machine, it feels vintage, but I dare to say that maybe this time we might “lose”…

In communication, I have always been in favor of embracing technology, and today more than ever, I stand by it. Let’s experiment, try, be surprised, and while doing so, feed algorithms that will, sooner or later, leave people out of work if this work, talent permitting, does not reinvent itself.

Welcome AI.

Welcome technology.

May the best survive. The most talented.

And in the end, maybe I killed myself writing this, and I could have asked ChatGPT to do it for me.

How does the movie end? No one can know because this script is being written every day.

Bonus track: If you haven’t seen the movie Her with Joaquin Phoenix and the voice of Scarlett Johansson from 2013, you will also be surprised. Watch the trailer.





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