humo rojo logo b
Logo Madryn Ballenas Humo Rojo



The whale season is one of the greatest events of the year, both for Puerto Madryn and for the agency. But also, for all audiences: the homegrown, the argentine tourist and the foreign tourist, which makes this campaign a great challenge for everyone. For this reason, we needed to find an overwhelming and powerful concept, something that showed that the connection with nature in Puerto Madryn is a unique and fantastic experience, something truly from another planet.

we did

Strategy and creativity for a campaign on Social Media, Cinema, Television, Radio, Outdoor in airports and print in specialized media.


Websites de campaña publicitaria
Campañas de publicidad en cine
Facebook Humo Rojo
YouTube Humo Rojo
Humo Rojo en Instagram
Social Media Temporada de Ballenas Madryn

humo rojo ar
Vuelta de Obligado 4462 3º D
CABA, buenos aires

humo rojo ch
carmencita 25 piso 1 of. 2
las condes, santiago

humo rojo py
O p e n i n g