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fly bondi



The primary goal of our strategy team is to understand the client’s challenge, identify the opportunity, and provide a clear brief for creative development. They have diverse backgrounds with experience in media, creativity, content planning, development, and social media. Flybondi’s mission is to operate with the lowest fares in the industry so that everyone can enjoy the Freedom to Fly. Rates so Ultra Low Cost, that for the same value, or less, of a long-distance bus ticket, you could fly to the main national destinations in less than 2 hours instead of the 18 hours that the same trip made in bus.


We needed to make this opportunity visible, especially for those who suffer the most from distance. Therefore, we needed an idea to help us highlight the difference between flying and traveling. So that at the end of the campaign, no one has to highlight anything else.


of passengers traveling for the first time by plane.
+ 0 %
organic social media engagement
+ 0 %

legal protection

of the Association of Long Distance Buses to stop the action.

Campañas creativas en radio
Websites de campaña publicitaria
Campañas de publicidad en cine
Facebook Humo Rojo
YouTube Humo Rojo
Humo Rojo en Instagram
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Stories en Instagram de No Te dibujes la Raya - Campaña Flybondi
Promotoras entregando marcadores en la campaña #NoTeDibujesLaRaya de FlyBondi
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humo rojo ar
Vuelta de Obligado 4462 3º D
CABA, buenos aires

humo rojo ch
carmencita 25 piso 1 of. 2
las condes, santiago

humo rojo py
O p e n i n g